Metropolitan living comes hand in hand with hustle and bustle – vibrant nightlife, seemingly endless eateries to explore and amenities easily on hand. But with an almost doubled cost of living compared to rural or regional living, keeping up with your city lifestyle often comes coupled with a few compromises. This is why many Australians are choosing to relocate from metropolitan areas in favour of regional and rural living. The global pandemic was a huge catalyst for this trend, but with the number of city-dwellers choosing a life in the regions recently hitting a 12-month high, this has now moved from trend territory to a fundamental societal shift. Life in rural or regional Australia delivers quality of life in a big way; your hard-earned dollar often goes much further, affording you more space (inside and out), a more luxurious lifestyle, better work-life balance, and a greater connection with the natural environment.
If you’re sitting on the fence about trading life in the big smoke for one that’s big on lifestyle, here are ten of the biggest benefits of regional or rural living that might just sway you:
1. Lower cost of living
From rent and house prices to utilities and groceries, city life doesn’t come cheap. Contrastingly, you’re likely to find better value and greater affordability across the board with a rural or regional shift – with the cost of housing in regional NSW, for example, approximately 30% less than housing in metro areas! When you’re spending less on the basics, you’ll have more money left in your pocket each week to use as you choose, whether that’s saving for a home or a holiday or simply indulging in small luxuries.
2. Living large
Wish you had a playroom to hide away the Lego and Barbies? Sick of your dining table doubling as your work-from-home space? Tired of sharing your only bathroom with your teenagers? A regional or rural move often grants you access to bigger homes (at a more affordable price) where you can stretch out and find something that ticks off your entire wish list. Unlike metropolitan counterparts – where the average block size is under 500 square meters (and shrinking), you’ll enjoy spacious living indoors and out in a rural or regional setting.
3. An easier commute
With smaller populations comes less traffic, less commute stress, and potentially less time commuting altogether. The average Australian worker spends 4.5 hours a week getting to and from work, with these numbers creeping up among those living in our biggest cities – Sydney and Melbourne. While a shorter and less stressful commute may seem like a small luxury, most of us wouldn’t pass up the opportunity to grasp a few extra free hours in our week – and with less traffic congestion, you’ll spend your free time breathing in less polluted, fresh air too!
4. Greater connection with nature
Shifting rurally or regionally often places you in the heart (or on the doorstep) of Australia’s unique and treasured natural landscapes. If you enjoy spending time outdoors, hiking, fishing, surfing, camping, or skiing or simply enjoying the calm of open green spaces – this is a huge drawcard. Physical health benefits aside, you’ll soak up mental health benefits, too, with research showing that people who are more connected with nature are usually happier and have lower levels of poor mental health.
5. A stronger sense of community
Humans are social beings, and a strong sense of community plays a big role in our sense of connectedness and overall wellbeing. Rural and regional living delivers quality over quantity when interacting with those around us. Although you may be geographically more isolated, you’ll likely feel more connected to your community than ever before. Expect to get to know your neighbours, to feel safer, and to share the good and the bad times together.
6. Improved work-life balance
A huge luxury of regional or rural living is the coveted slower-paced lifestyle. Shorter commute times and greater access to the great outdoors will allow you more time to explore your passions and enjoy your surroundings. This is often lacking in metropolitan living, where it’s all too easy to get swept up in the fast-paced environment.
7. Space and sustainability
A regional or rural move often means trading your postage-stamp backyard or balcony for a supersized outdoor area – opening the door to plenty of sustainable opportunities. It could be building the edibles-filled raised garden bed of your dreams, introducing your own flock of laying hens or investing in renewable energy options like solar panels and water tanks – all reducing your impact on the environment and saving you money over time. Finally, more space can also mean you’ll be able to bring home that life-changing pet you’ve always dreamed of.
8. Exponential growth potential
Aside from the many lifestyle and wellbeing benefits, investing in property in rural and regional areas is a wise financial move. With exponential growth pegged for years to come, thanks to confirmed state government infrastructure plans, alongside government incentives attracting new homeowners like the Regional First Home Buyer Guarantee – even if you’re not looking to live regionally or rurally immediately, it can also make for a great investment.
9. A family favourite
They say it takes a village to raise a child, and the best place to find yours is in rural or regional Australia. With tight-knit and supportive communities, they’re meccas for kids thanks to the nurturing environment, greater connectedness, and often, schooling that comes with smaller class sizes, leading to more personalised support. Kids will also benefit from more space, safety and freedom to enjoy their natural environment, and with mum and dad achieving a greater work-life balance, they’ll reap the wellbeing benefits of spending more quality time together.
10. Work opportunities nearby or at home
If you choose your location well, you could have abundant work in your immediate area (and even access government relocation incentives for some roles), or if you’re in a career that supports remote working, you won’t even need to leave your slice of paradise. Remote workers will also save money (and time) on commuting, spend less on work lunches, and even cut costly work wardrobe expenses. If you’re a budding entrepreneur, regional and rural locations can provide fertile ground to start or grow a business. You’ll benefit from less competition, lower overhead costs, and more physical space for growth.
Regional or rural, which will you choose?
Living in regional or rural areas is proven to do wonders for your wellbeing, and thanks to the internet and increased investment in infrastructure, it no longer means compromising your access to any of life’s luxuries, healthcare, or top-notch education. In fact, it could just be your key to happiness. If you and your family need a tree or sea change, reach out to your local First National Real Estate – we’ll guide you all the way to your piece of paradise in rural or regional Australia.
The following advice is of a general nature only and intended as a broad guide. The advice should not be regarded as legal, financial, or real estate advice. You should make your own inquiries and obtain independent professional advice tailored to your specific circumstances before making any legal, financial, or real estate decisions. Click here for full Terms of Use.
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